Our vision is to empower process improvement for the most complex software engineering value streams on the planet. To realize this vision, we build domain-tailored solutions that minimize time to value, maximize depth of insights, and facilitate concrete business outcomes.
The Software Solutions Studio is powered by a global network of individual and organizational contributors. We embrace cross-organizational collaboration, and over-index on transparency, trust, and creativity.
We provide the simulator, but it runs in your browser (only you have access to your data)
Our plan for delivering more value and evolving the platform
Analyze input-output flows using a “function modeling”, VSM-like lens
Understand and visualize value stream process flows over time, using component models for the software subsystems
Use stochastic behaviors to make simulations more realistic and insightful
Investigate simulation runs and results with powerful visualizations
Download a CSV file which contains the comprehensive details of a simulation
Load raw software tooling data, which is processed and used for simulation inputs
Explore and analyze input data (e.g., distribution, parameters, goodness-of-fit) and output data (e.g., summary statistics, autocorrelation, hypothesis testing)
Connect processes and process improvements to the people involved - across the planning, control, and execution levels
Use a model creation studio to build out a library of custom models